Feral Children Case Studies
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Children Raised by Animals

     Some pack animals will take in other species and raise them as thier own, most common are packs od dogs or wolves.  
However there are many other pack animals that will adopt outside species as well. 

Andrei Tolstyk

In Russia 2004, a seven year boy was rescued after having survived since he was three months old with a pack of wild dogs. Social workers discovered that he was incapable of human speech. Andrei had adapted many dog-like traits such as walking on all fours and biting as a way of protection etc. Andrei was in the care of his invalid father and no one noticed that he was missing in the sparse town he lived in. Andrei was taken to the local orphanage in order to mix with other children his age to encourage his resocialization. With a few weeks in the orphanages Andrei has started to walk on two legs and eat with a spoon, he has made a few friends and communicates mostly by sign language. Doctors and psychologists are currently running tests to determine if he is able to learn normal behavior or if he will have to be placed in a boarding school that is capable of taking care of him.

John Ssebunya

John In 1988 in Uganda a three year old boy watched as his father murdered his mother, scared to death he ran away and the father hung himself. Three years later he was found in the jungle living with African Green Vervet monkeys. A tribal woman named Millie found him and took him to a charity orphanage. His body was covered in hair and his excrements were made up of worms. He has many scars, covering his knees from crawling. John was near the point of death because of malnutrition and parasitic worms. He could not talk or cry but has been taught how to speak, which lead researchers to believe he could speak some words before he had run away.

Feral children case studies
Created by Krissi Place Mpsmks2@aol.com
All comments are appreciated!
last modified on November 14, 2004

URL: http://feralproj.freewebspace.com